
Sclerotherapy treatment on legs
Anti-Wrinkle Ireland

Sclerotherapy is a technique used for the removal of surface and spider veins to the legs. Thread veins are very finely dilated veins situated just beneath the surface of the skin. The treatment involves injections with a sclerosing agent which has an irritant effect on the lining of the veins causing the walls of the veins to stick together. Blood stops flowing through the veins, which are then absorbed by the body over a period of 3 months.

Normally clients require 3 to 4 treatments which are spaced 6 to 12 weeks apart. There will be a visible improvement after one session. Normally after treatment the veins can appear darker and will fade after three to ten weeks. Most people need a top up session every 2-3 years. Compression stockings should be worn for 3 to 7 days post treatment.

Normal side effects are swelling, bruising, darkening of the veins for 4 weeks itchiness, tenderness and pigmentation.

Cost is €350 per session.


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