IPL – Intense Pulsed Light

About the IPL Treatment

IPL also known as Intense Pulsed Light is most commonly known as “Photo Rejuvenation”.

Throughout our lifetime imperfections can appear on our face, neck, hands and chest preventing us from looking and feeling our best. IPL treatment gives you one convenient solution to treat many skin concerns in one go, quickly and with minimal discomfort and with little to no downtime. An IPL treatment is clinically proven to stimulate collagen production and targets many skin concerns all in one session!

Laser room

How does the treatment work?

It is pulsed light therapy, therefore pulses of light target and eradicate broken vessels and pigmented lesions at the surface of your skin without harming the surrounding tissue. As a result, you enjoy clearer skin that looks younger and rejuvenated. It will treat broken capillaries, pigmentation or brown spots and clients tend to see results after just one IPL session. A course of up to three treatments is recommended for maximum results.

What are the Benefits of IPL?

  • Efficient, easy removal of vascular and pigmented lesions
  • Comfortable, convenient facial treatment sessions
  • Rapid recovery with little to no downtime
  • Sessions can be quick or sometimes combined with a skin peel for optimum results
  • Stimulates collagen production, which promotes skin health
  • Reduces inflammation from rosacea and redness
  • Improves the overall appearance of the skin


What skin conditions are treated with IPL?


How does IPL work?


How does the Alma Superior IPL treatment work?


What is IPL?


What can I expect during the treatment?


Is there any down time / side effects?


When will I see results?


Am I a suitable candidate?


How much does it cost?



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