Nail Fungal Treatment with Laser

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About Nail Fungal Treatment

A nail fungus infection (onychomycosis) is usually caused by trichophyton rubrum, a dermatophyte that invades the nail bed and underside of the nail plate.

Due to the location of the infection, topical creams are frequently ineffective for many people, and oral medications can lead to health risks such as liver enzyme damage. Medical treatments are only effective in a small percentage of users. The treatment of toenail fungus has previously been very difficult due to the location of the fungus both underneath and inside of the nail. A breakthrough happened when the FDA approved a 1064nM nd:yag laser as suitable for treating nail fungus.


How many treatments do I need?


How do I know I have a nail fungal infection?


How should the client / patient prepare the area to be treated?


Can the laser specialist use a numbing cream or other anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient?


Can the therapist just treat the visibly infected nail?


Does the patient have to wait for results or will they see them immediately?


What can the patient do to make sure they get the best possible outcome?


Why do we recommend the patient throw away their shoes?


How much does it cost?


Nail Fungal Treatment - Before Treatment

Nail Fungal Treatment – Before Treatment

Nail Fungal Treatment - After 4 Months / 3 Treatments

Nail Fungal Treatment – After 4 Months / 3 Treatments

Nail Fungal Treatment - Before Treatment

Nail Fungal Treatment – Before Treatment

Nail Fungal Treatment - After 2 Months / 4 Treatments

Nail Fungal Treatment – After 2 Months / 4 Treatments


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